Meeting 2024-02-19

January 19th The Holiday of the Pres'idents
We had fourteen people!

Scroll down! there are three tables: Player totals, Bingo list, and Game Listing. and click a column header to sort.

Player Totals

Player Games (CSW) Wins Spread Total score Valid Bingos Phony Bingos Invented Bingos Collins-Only Bingos
Canik, Chris 3 (0) 3 362 1421 6 1 1 0
Cole, David 3 (0) 2 302 1249 5 0 0 0
Zuckerman, David 3 (0) 2 259 1304 6 0 0 0
Leeds, Kevin 3 (0) 2 205 1376 6 1 1 0
Bolender, Bob II 3 (0) 2 23 1149 4 0 0 0
Sabido, Jose 3 (0) 2 21 1210 7 0 0 0
Possis, Annie 3 (0) 2 -19 1129 2 0 0 0
McCarley, April 3 (0) 1 45 1083 1 0 0 0
Feierstein, Lisa 3 (0) 1 -70 1060 2 0 0 0
Hughes, Jimbeaux 3 (0) 1 -99 1197 4 1 1 0
Talarico, Anna 3 (0) 1 -108 1081 1 0 0 0
Clancy, Sarah 3 (0) 1 -253 1106 3 0 0 0
Michalecki, Valerie 3 (0) 1 -317 899 1 0 0 0
Harvey-Slager, Daniel 3 (0) 0 -351 914 1 0 0 0

Bingo List

(K)OOLAIDS*phony,inventedIt looks kinda funnyHughes, Jimbeaux1
ACROGENvalidSabido, Jose3
ACTIVATEvalidCanik, Chris2
AEDILESvalidIn ancient Rome he was responsible for public games, etc.Sabido, Jose1
AgENETICvalidabout an absence or imperfect development of a bodily partCole, David3
ALIENERSvalidClancy, Sarah2
AlOETICvalidCole, David2
AMORTISEvalidZuckerman, David1
ANTIRUSTvalidand it was challenged!Clancy, Sarah2
APELIKEvalidCanik, Chris3
AsSIZEDvaliddouble word and double letter ZLeeds, Kevin2116
BITTERSvalidHughes, Jimbeaux3
BUGGIESvalidHughes, Jimbeaux2
BUNGLEDvalidPossis, Annie3
CLOAKINGvalidSabido, Jose2
COOEEINGvalidCanik, Chris2
CRONIESvalidMichalecki, Valerie1
DIOPSINs*phony,inventedmixing up DIOPSIDE, OPSONIN, DIGOXIN, DIOXIN Leeds, Kevin2
EASIESTvalidFeierstein, Lisa1
EIRENiCvalidIrenic (peaceful in purpose)Cole, David3
ELATIONSvalidanagram is TOENAILSMcCarley, April3
EMOTINGvalidZuckerman, David2
FOMITESvalidCole, David3
FORAYEDvalidFeierstein, Lisa3
GARDENSvalidZuckerman, David3
GLOWEREDvalidPossis, Annie1
HARDNESSvalid*** Computer science alert!!! ***Zuckerman, David1
IDEATIONvalidBolender, Bob II2
INDORSERvalidLeeds, Kevin1
INVITERvalidLeeds, Kevin2
JOtTINGvalidSabido, Jose1
METALEDvalidLeeds, Kevin3
MINTERSvalidZuckerman, David2
NUTRIASvalidSabido, Jose2
PEONIEsvalidCanik, Chris1
REDEArSvalidCole, David2
RESOIlED*phony,inventedi wonder if idoliser or oileries# would have workedCanik, Chris3
RETINASvalidZuckerman, David3
RETINASvalidSabido, Jose2
RETOUCHvalidLeeds, Kevin2
REVENUESvalidBolender, Bob II3
RIDDLEDvalidHarvey-Slager, Daniel2
SEDGIERvalidHughes, Jimbeaux2
SIDECARSvalidCanik, Chris1
SLITTINGvalidSabido, Jose3
SMARTLYvalidCanik, Chris2
SPRINKLEvalidWho can take a sunrise Sprinkle it with dew Cover it in chocolate Or a miracle or two?Clancy, Sarah1
STERLINGvalidTalarico, Anna2
TINDERSvalidBolender, Bob II1
TIRELESSvalidHughes, Jimbeaux1
VAuNTINGvalidBolender, Bob II3
WINERIESvalidLeeds, Kevin1

Game List

Round Non-Loser Score Victory Margin Score Non-Winner Game Total Lexicon Comment
1Zuckerman, David42159362Clancy, Sarah783TWL
1Talarico, Anna492187305Harvey-Slager, Daniel797TWLto score 492 you probably need a bingo or two, but no bingos are recorded
1Possis, Annie39039351McCarley, April741TWL
1Michalecki, Valerie3519342Feierstein, Lisa693TWL
1Canik, Chris42861367Sabido, Jose795TWL
1Leeds, Kevin486117369Hughes, Jimbeaux855TWL
1Bolender, Bob II33615321Cole, David657TWL
2Leeds, Kevin518127391Possis, Annie909TWL
2Feierstein, Lisa35613343Harvey-Slager, Daniel699TWL
2Clancy, Sarah44856392Hughes, Jimbeaux840TWL
2Canik, Chris526257269Michalecki, Valerie795TWLChris, let me introduce you to Valerie (not VICTORIA: a light carriage)
2Cole, David38267315McCarley, April697TWL
2Bolender, Bob II39052338Talarico, Anna728TWL
2Sabido, Jose43243389Zuckerman, David821TWL
3Hughes, Jimbeaux43674362Feierstein, Lisa798TWL
3Canik, Chris46744423Bolender, Bob II890TWLChris finishes 3-0
3Zuckerman, David494243251Talarico, Anna745TWL
3McCarley, April417151266Harvey-Slager, Daniel683TWL
3Cole, David546250296Clancy, Sarah842TWL
3Sabido, Jose41139372Leeds, Kevin783TWL
3Possis, Annie34869279Michalecki, Valerie627TWL