Meeting 2022-11-02

Post-Doubleheader meeting
There was a pair of exciting tournaments last weekend, Oct 29 and 30. There was a hawk! Saturday evening was one tournament and the other was Sunday. We had fun!

Scroll down! there are three tables: Player totals, Bingo list, and Game Listing. and click a column header to sort.

Player Totals

Player Games (CSW) Wins Spread Total score Valid Bingos Phony Bingos Invented Bingos Collins-Only Bingos
Hughes, Jimbeaux 3 (0) 3 210 1254 4 0 0 0
Cole, David 3 (0) 2 251 1331 5 0 0 0
Canik, Chris 3 (0) 2 205 1220 6 0 0 0
Clancy, Sarah 3 (0) 2 61 1207 6 0 0 0
Leeds, Kevin 3 (0) 1 -95 1222 7 0 0 0
Arnold, Aaron 3 (0) 1 -126 961 1 0 0 0
McArthur, Jean 3 (0) 1 -150 1135 4 0 0 0
Sabido, Jose 3 (0) 0 -356 838 0 0 0 0

Bingo List

AsINInEvalidMcArthur, Jean1
BALCONYvalidCanik, Chris1
BEANIESvalidCanik, Chris3
BEARINGSvalidClancy, Sarah1
BEASTLYvalidClancy, Sarah3
BISTROSvalidMcArthur, Jean3
BOVINESvalidCole, David1
BRINIESTvalidCole, David2
COYOTESvalidArnold, Aaron3
EAGERLYvalidLeeds, Kevin2
ENTERONvalidLeeds, Kevin3
EROTISEDvalidClancy, Sarah3
EUCAINESvalidMcArthur, Jean2
FARSIDESvalidCanik, Chris2
FINERIESvalidHughes, Jimbeaux1
FLATTIEvalidA flat-heeled shoeCole, David3
HEFTINGvalidCole, David2
IMMOTILEvalidHughes, Jimbeaux2
JANGLESvalidHughes, Jimbeaux1
LATTICEvalidCole, David3
MEANDERsvalidCanik, Chris2
PASTELSvalidHughes, Jimbeaux2
PROBATESvalidLeeds, Kevin2
RELOADSvalidLeeds, Kevin1
RESURGEDvalidCanik, Chris3
RETITLEvalidLeeds, Kevin1
SAGIESTvalidClancy, Sarah2
SOUTA(N)ESvalidMcArthur, Jean1
SWANNEDvalidLeeds, Kevin2
VASTIERvalidhaving great expanse or sizeClancy, Sarah1
VISCERAvalidAnd Sarah extended it next turn E(VISCERA)T(E)S double-double with E and S.Clancy, Sarah3
WAISTEDvalidCanik, Chris1
WIRINESSvalidLeeds, Kevin1

Game List

Round Non-Loser Score Victory Margin Score Non-Winner Game Total Lexicon Comment
1Leeds, Kevin45580375McArthur, Jean830TWLGame was somewhat ruined when a player failed to challenge "LE" on a bingo play. Jean had HO(V)ERED 2x2 for 56 pts
1Hughes, Jimbeaux482104378Cole, David860TWL
1Clancy, Sarah40868340Arnold, Aaron748TWL
1Canik, Chris411129282Sabido, Jose693TWL
2Cole, David425148277Arnold, Aaron702TWL
2Hughes, Jimbeaux41499315Clancy, Sarah729TWL
2Canik, Chris45883375Leeds, Kevin833TWL
2McArthur, Jean439137302Sabido, Jose741TWL
3Hughes, Jimbeaux3587351Canik, Chris709TWL
3Clancy, Sarah48492392Leeds, Kevin876TWL
3Cole, David528207321McArthur, Jean849TWL
3Arnold, Aaron34490254Sabido, Jose598TWL