Meeting 2022-05-18

Gang of Seven - Magic Pairings
It's just a meeting with seven players. First round we picked Magic cards in Terrain categories so Water matches Water, Mountain matches Mountain, Island matches Island, and Swamp has to sit out :(

Scroll down! there are three tables: Player totals, Bingo list, and Game Listing. and click a column header to sort.

Player Totals

Player Games (CSW) Wins Spread Total score Valid Bingos Phony Bingos Invented Bingos Collins-Only Bingos
Clancy, Sarah 3 (0) 3 153 1296 5 1 0 1
Leeds, Kevin 3 (0) 2 236 1241 5 0 0 0
Zuckerman, David 4 (0) 2 -44 1645 6 1 1 0
McArthur, Jean 1 (0) 1 112 379 1 0 0 0
Cole, David 2 (0) 1 12 771 2 0 0 0
Gordon, Edward 2 (0) 0 -165 673 1 1 1 0
Hughes, Jimbeaux 3 (0) 0 -304 1086 5 1 0 1

Bingo List

ADORNERSvalidHughes, Jimbeaux3
CRUMPLESvalidHughes, Jimbeaux2
DRESSIERvalidMcArthur, Jean1
ENAMOREDvalidGordon, Edward2
EXCRETERvalidA medicine for excreting toxins through the pores; someone who has typhoid in their stool, etcClancy, Sarah2
HISTOGENvalidZuckerman, David2
LASSIESvalidNot a T.V. COLLIE dog but a young feminine human. Colly collie words in Scrabble are about coalHughes, Jimbeaux1
MAIEUTICvalidPertaining to a method of eliciting knowledge (it has five vowels - it has four consecutive vowels!)Cole, David3
MEDIATEvalidZuckerman, David1
MELTINGS#phony,collins-onlyHughes, Jimbeaux3
MOTTLESvalidClancy, Sarah3
NATURING#phony,collins-onlyClancy, Sarah1
ORBITEDvalidZuckerman, David2
OVERLINEvalidZuckerman, David3
PANNIERvalidClancy, Sarah3
POLARIZEvalidHughes, Jimbeaux2
RENAILSvalidLeeds, Kevin2
REPOING*phony,inventedA REPO is something repossessed (also there's REPOT)Zuckerman, David1
SENTINELvalidZuckerman, David2
SPIELEDvalidTo talk at length and SPEIL is to climb and SPEEL is also to climbCole, David3
STRAINSvalidHughes, Jimbeaux3
SWIDLER*phony,inventedis it a mistake on the tracking sheet or did DZ not notice it was wrong in time?Gordon, Edward2
TENNERSvalidZuckerman, David1
TITRATEDvalidClancy, Sarah1
TOENAILSvalidClancy, Sarah3
TRAINEDvalidLeeds, Kevin3
UNPROVEDvalidsort of thought i had unproved on my rack and then I saw an R and looked down and saw the denopuvLeeds, Kevin2
UNSELLSvalidthis was challenged unsuccessfully after a phony anagram was challenged off the turn beforeLeeds, Kevin3
WARISONSvalidLeeds, Kevin1

Game List

Round Non-Loser Score Victory Margin Score Non-Winner Game Total Lexicon Comment
1Zuckerman, David488140348Hughes, Jimbeaux836TWL
1McArthur, Jean379112267Cole, David646TWL
1Clancy, Sarah40817391Leeds, Kevin799TWLSarah won!
2Clancy, Sarah39840358Hughes, Jimbeaux756TWLJim had two P bingos
2Zuckerman, David42613413Gordon, Edward839TWLClose game!
2Leeds, Kevin438101337Zuckerman, David775TWLDave C not much luck this week
3Leeds, Kevin412152260Gordon, Edward672TWLKevin luckbox
3Cole, David504124380Hughes, Jimbeaux884TWL
3Clancy, Sarah49096394Zuckerman, David884TWL