Meeting 2021-07-12

Vaccinated 4
entered data Sept 4

Scroll down! there are three tables: Player totals, Bingo list, and Game Listing. and click a column header to sort.

Player Totals

Player Games (CSW) Wins Spread Total score Valid Bingos Phony Bingos Invented Bingos Collins-Only Bingos
Leeds, Kevin 3 (0) 3 229 1363 8 0 0 0
Smith, Mariah 3 (0) 2 173 1363 6 0 0 0
Gordon, Edward 3 (0) 2 -18 1146 3 0 0 0
Hughes, Jimbeaux 1 (0) 1 233 450 1 1 1 0
Canik, Matt 1 (0) 1 97 440 2 0 0 0
DeWaelsche, Matthew 2 (0) 1 146 765 3 0 0 0
Cole, David 2 (0) 1 49 765 3 0 0 0
Zuckerman, David 2 (0) 1 -113 776 2 2 2 0
Clancy, Sarah 2 (0) 1 -126 779 2 0 0 0
Arnold, Aaron 3 (0) 1 -307 907 2 0 0 0
Fenske, Robert 3 (0) 0 -128 1146 6 0 0 0
Talarico, Anna 3 (0) 0 -235 1002 0 0 0 0

Bingo List

ABSINTHEvalidLeeds, Kevin1
ANGLERSvalidDeWaelsche, Matthew3
ANTHEMSvalidCole, David3
AREOLAEvalidZuckerman, David2
AROUSESvalidArnold, Aaron2
ARTICLESvalidCole, David1
BROACHESvalid2x2 110 bingoClancy, Sarah1110
CLOTURESvalidFenske, Robert2
DELUDINGvalidClancy, Sarah3
DISOBEYvalidLeeds, Kevin2
ENDEARSvalidSmith, Mariah1
GLOATEDvalidCanik, Matt1
GORIESTvalidSmith, Mariah3
GRITTINGvalidFenske, Robert3
HAIRIESTvalidhad to sit there hoping it would not be blockedLeeds, Kevin2
IGNORESvalidFenske, Robert2
IMPELLERvalidLeeds, Kevin1
JETTIESvalidLeeds, Kevin2
LAUDANAMS*phony,inventedLaudunum , a poison from murder mysteriesHughes, Jimbeaux1
MANDATEvalidto authorize or decree (n. an authorization sorta)Smith, Mariah3
MARRIAGEvalidSmith, Mariah1
MEANESTvalidHughes, Jimbeaux1
MELODIESvalidLeeds, Kevin3
MINARETSvalidCole, David1
NEGATIONvalidFenske, Robert1
OUTGAINSvalidCanik, Matt1
PEARWOODvalidLeeds, Kevin3
RADIATORvalidGordon, Edward2
RAINOUTSvalidLeeds, Kevin3
REEDIERvalidDeWaelsche, Matthew3
RENOTED*phony,inventedZuckerman, David2
RITUALSvalidFenske, Robert1
SAUSAGEvalidDeWaelsche, Matthew1
SIGNOREvalidSmith, Mariah1
SKITTLEvalidSKITTLED# and SKITTLE, a bowling game pin. KITTLE, tickle kittles kittled ticklish kittler kittlestGordon, Edward1
TANTRASvalidZuckerman, David1
TROUBLEDvalid3x3 149 bangoSmith, Mariah1149
UNFRIENDvalidGordon, Edward2
UREDIAE*phony,inventedUREDIA is the plural of UREDIUMZuckerman, David2
VIBRATEvalidFenske, Robert2
WARRANTSvalidArnold, Aaron2

Game List

Round Non-Loser Score Victory Margin Score Non-Winner Game Total Lexicon Comment
1Hughes, Jimbeaux450233217Arnold, Aaron667TWL
1Canik, Matt44097343Talarico, Anna783TWL
1Cole, David42793334Fenske, Robert761TWL
1Leeds, Kevin440134306Zuckerman, David746TWL
1Smith, Mariah581187394Clancy, Sarah975TWL
1Gordon, Edward3415336DeWaelsche, Matthew677TWL
2Arnold, Aaron41277335Talarico, Anna747TWL
2Zuckerman, David47021449Fenske, Robert919TWL
2Leeds, Kevin46537428Gordon, Edward893TWL
3Smith, Mariah38244338Cole, David720TWL
3DeWaelsche, Matthew429151278Arnold, Aaron707TWL
3Leeds, Kevin45858400Smith, Mariah858TWL
3Gordon, Edward37714363Fenske, Robert740TWL
3Clancy, Sarah38561324Talarico, Anna709TWL